JDRF Waldorf Astoria

Floris Altink

( Member of team: Waldorf Astoria Amsterdam )

Closed You can't donate anymore
from €250 (66%)
I will run the 16k to raise awareness and money, to help the people suffering from Diabetes

Raised €250

Raised €500

Raised €1,000

Received first donation

Received 10 donations

Received 25 donations

Received 50 donations

Posted a blog update

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10-09-2017 | 20:29
25-08-2017 | 16:18 Goed initiatief Floris, heel veel succes JDRF Waldorf Astoria! Team Anfors
25-08-2017 | 15:23 Run Forrest, RUUUUUUN
24-08-2017 | 16:29
24-08-2017 | 16:05